PHE Servicing Name Plate Outer Inspection Rust-Oil Applied Before Dismanteling Carrying Bar Before Dismanteling Plate Condition PHE Frame condition Bolt damage PHE Dismanteling Dismanteled Frame inner side damage Damaged Liners Frame Cleaning Frame Plate Cleaned and Rust removed After Painting PHE End Plate Condition Chemical Soaking Before and After Cleaning Chemical Soaking Before and After Cleaning LBT-1 Rejected Plate LBT-2 Rejected Plate LBT-3 Rejected Plate LBT-3 Rejected Plate LBT-5 Rejected Plate Pin Hole-1 Pin Hole-2 Pin Hole-3 Pin Hole-4 Pin Hole-5 Pin Hole-6 Pin Hole-7 Pitting Mark-2 Pitting Marks-1 Pitting Marks-3 Channel Plate with New Gasket Plate Gasketting PHE Final Assembly Photo Final Assembly 01.09.2022 TL10P Final Assembly of PHE Final Assembly PHE 2 Hydrotest F2-F3 Hydrotest Final Ready PHE 01.09.2022